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This assignment required the essence and materiality of either oil, wood or cotton, in which I chose wood, to be expressed in three prints using texture, image and text. These were to be created using monoprinting, relief printing or a combination of the two. Each print needed to consider a different aspect of wood in its natural state, and when all three prints are seen together they should give an overall impression and communicate a clear concept.


In response to this brief, I chose to explore wood, with a specific interest in moss, which drapes and covers many trees. Moss is a beautiful creation, with endless varieties of colour, texture and shape, a reminder of the beauty that resides in untouched places in the world we live in. Using monoprinting technique, white, black and two coloured inks of my choice, my final prints celebrate the delicacy and vibrancy that moss possesses, and to re-engage an appreciation of what nature gives us.

Printmaking: About


Printmaking: Headliner
Printmaking: Gallery
Printmaking: Gallery
Printmaking: Headliner
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